Authenticity in Action: Fostering a Culture of Respect and Empowerment
“I’m a people pleaser.” … “ I’d rather not rock the boat.” … “You’re the boss, not me.” … “I don’t feel safe here and would rather not speak up.” … “Am I going to be ridiculed if I say anything?”
These are things we might say if we either don’t want to get involved, or fear repercussions if we do get involved. We simply want to keep our heads down and get through the day in one piece.
I understand that. Besides, sometimes it’s legitimate to feel speaking up isn’t safe. If you decide to stay in that environment and accept their terms, then maybe it’s worth it to you to remain compliant.
On the other hand, if you’d rather be in a place where your input is respected and matters, where you feel nurtured and reasonably safe, then it may be time to leave where you are and find that more nurturing and emotionally healthier place.
Some of us – like me – deliberately chose the hard thing over the easy thing. It’s a habit and can lead to unnecessary pain. To people like me, “hard” seems inherently better – somehow morally – to “easy”. If that hard thing is to stay in an unhealthy environment and try and make it work, then maybe it’s time to take another look.
Life doesn’t need to be hard that way to be worthwhile. And besides, all that energy you invested in trying to maintain your centre in a bad environment can be freed for much better and more satisfying things.
Quote of the Week
If you were waiting for a sign this is it. - Anon.
Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard?
Maryanne Nicholls is a Registered Psychotherapist. To find out more, gain access to her weekly newsletter, meditations and programmes, sign up at .