Bold Beginnings: How to Approach and Triumph over What's Holding You Back

I remember a TV show I saw years ago where a young-ish medical student was considering giving up. She was pregnant and alone and just suffered a pregnancy-related stroke. I mean, under those circumstances, few would blame her for stepping away. Her mother listened to her pain, and talked about her own similar decision years earlier – whether to remain where she was as a nurse, or go back to school to be a doctor. The mother said she decided not to pursue a career change because she was too old; now she was in her 50’s and still wondering.

My personal experiences with beginning something new that involved a lot of change are many:  I went to university as an ‘adult student’, and was sometimes ridiculed by male professors for doing so. Years later I changed careers and began again as a novice psychotherapist in my late 50’s. In my 70’s I moved locations and had to re-establish my practice. All of these major changes were very challenging and took a great deal of energy and cheerleading self-talk. They weren’t at all easy; I made some bad and costly mistakes. I got through it, and don’t regret making any of them. They changed and enhanced my life.

I truly believe that the best time to begin something you care about is now. It may take time and a lot of planning. It won’t go smoothly. Other people may seem to block your way. But, take it from me, it will be worth it.

If you have a dream, don’t wait. Start today.

Quote of the Week

What You Can Do, or Dream You Can Do, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It."- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed


I hope you enjoyed this article. When you’re ready to take the next step on your life journey, book a free 20 min consultation with me.


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