How Failing Can Help You Succeed

I spoke with someone recently who believed he’s failed whenever he finds himself falling into an old, familiar, unproductive pattern. Yes, you could say he failed to move away from the pattern. That’s true. But then we took a closer look.

What he discovered is that he didn’t exactly fall into pattern the same way he fell in the time before. And the time before was different from the time before that. Why? Because each time he experienced this event, he’d learnt something and applied it successfully.

Eventually, if he keeps opening himself up to this experience, he’ll achieve complete success. Then, after celebrating, he’ll be ready to move onto the next set of experiences where he’ll have many more chances to fail and to learn.

Failure helps you succeed. In fact, I believe it’s essential for success!

Quote of the week

Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.

  • Coco Chanel

Success, failure and the crive to keep creating


Maryanne Nicholls is a Registered Psychotherapist.  To find out more, gain access to her weekly newsletter, meditations and programmes, sign up at . 


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