Never Waste a Good Hair Day

A colleague asked me the other day when I thought I could do a video recording… it had been on my list of to do’s for a while. Because I’d been so swamped with work, she was certain I hadn’t done it yet.

But she assumed incorrectly: I’d had my hair trimmed and blow-dried a week or so before we met, and on that day, I did my recording. Why? Because that was my good hair day and there was no way I was going to waste it. For me, a good hair day comes every six weeks. It’s relatively rare.

I like writing and talking. I suspect that if I didn’t have my mid-western nice culture deeply embedded in me, I might be OK recording no matter what. I’ve done it before, but there’s something very appealing me in making good use of a fairly rare opportunity.

If you’re a procrastinator like me, consider setting up regular hair appointments.

Quote of the week

I didn’t want to go out, but my hair looked too good to stay in.

  • Unknown

Kare Anderson: Be an opportunity maker


Maryanne Nicholls is a Registered Psychotherapist.  To find out more, gain access to her weekly newsletter, meditations and programmes, sign up at . 


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