The Art of Honest Expression: Making Your Truth Matters to Others

I come up with blog ideas usually months in advance – I hear, read, or experience something that interests me and feel it might also interest my audience, setting up the title and overall subject-matter. Then the week prior, I write it.

That’s the truth. It’s also the truth that what I write about happens to us all. So, if you read something in my blog and feel it might be about you, it both is and isn’t: it is, because you have probably experienced something like it and I may have seen you recently; it isn’t, because I really did plan this a long while ago.

I hope that’s a relief – to know I honour privacy and that we are all in this together.

Nothing I’ve said so far is flattery. I haven’t hidden behind soothing words, or said something untrue to manipulate. I told the truth in a way that, I hope, feels as genuine as it is, and that feels like I’m interested in making a connection – which I am interested in (otherwise, why write weekly).

Some truths sting, but are worth saying.

I don’t trust you.

I don’t believe what you’re saying.

What you’re saying scares me.

This is where it helps to add a bit to that truth, because as it stands, it feels accusatory.

I don’t trust you because I don’t know you.

I don’t believe what you’re saying because I have facts that contradict it.

What you’re saying scares me because I don’t like that much change.

Adding the why that is about me says that it’s about me and not about you. Feels like it’s something worth pursuing when I hear that from another, and I want to know more. 

Quote of the Week

I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives."- Jane Austin, Persuasion

Truth telling in relationships


I hope you enjoyed this article. When you’re ready to take the next step on your life journey, book a free 20 min consultation with me.


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The Simplicity Solution: Tackling Overwhelm and Embracing Change with Confidence