Trapped with Shame
A person can feel trapped into going along with something they don’t agree with. It could be because they don’t want to be singled out, or embarrassed, or shamed.
Sometimes, people who don’t like being singled out would rather not take the chance of being “wrong” and judged in public. That can also be said if they’re afraid of being publicly embarrassed. ,
I used to be like that. Thankfully, no longer. If I disagree with someone, I’m OK saying it and standing my ground. If there’s ill intent on their part, it’s them who ends up feeling embarrassed.
When I was like that, it was easy to trap me with shame. All you had to do was make something public. So easy.
How did I learn to be OK with potential public embarrassment? I worked through my own triggers until they were no longer triggers. That helped me break very long established patterns and free myself of the yoke of shame that I’d carried for so long.
I’d like to say it was easy. It wasn’t, at least not for me. The good news is that I did it, and if I can do it, so can you.
Quote of the week
Shame is a soul eating emotion.
Carl Jung
Listening to Shame
Maryanne Nicholls is a Registered Psychotherapist. To find out more, gain access to her weekly newsletter, meditations and programmes, sign up at .