Emotional Honesty: The Gift of Vulnerability
I watched John Oliver on his weekly show last night. After seeing a few of them, I began to wonder if his desk beating is a way for him to gain energy to a fever pitch that he can then use to energize himself and his audience. I know Tony Robins spends 5 minutes running and jumping in place before presentations to do that. It’s their way of bringing a positive – albeit hyped up - energy with them.
I intentionally bring a calming energy into whatever space I’m in. It’s natural to me; it also happens to be how I dealt with chaos as a child. Still, it’s positive and supportive to what I want to offer.
We can bring a different, less affirming kind of energy with us: depressive, angry, sad, anxious. If it’s genuine, then it lets everyone know where you’re at, and that’s important. But sometimes, it depends on why you’re there. If it’s to lead, then putting aside personal feelings and troubles for the time being may be the gift you offer everyone else in that moment. What you’re feeling will probably still show through: it almost always helps if you can mention this has been a rough day to validate what others see anyway.
Being truly genuine breads trust. Being thoughtful of others as well as genuine breads respect.
Quote of the week
Take responsibility for the energy you bring into the space.
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
Deepak Chopra - Human energy human power
Maryanne Nicholls is a Registered Psychotherapist. To find out more, gain access to her weekly newsletter, meditations and programmes, sign up at www.thejoyofliving.co .