Maintaining Hope In The Midst Of Frustration

I listened to a US pollster this morning remind us that the middle class are focused on day-to-day affordability. They don’t feel that in their own lives, anything’s changed or gotten better or easier. They continue to pay too much in taxes and continue to see prices rise for food, utilities, rent, and all the other things they must pay for daily, weekly, and monthly. With every pay raise, all the extra money they received goes to paying for increased costs.

 And yet, the politicians on all sides appear to be focused either on the very rich or the very poor. Not on them. It is so discouraging. I can’t blame someone for throwing up their hands and retiring from it all.

 And, this kind of dis-connect between those who support communities (the middle class) and those who run countries seems to be entrenched. Sometimes, I wonder if those in power or running for power even know what the middle class are talking about: perhaps living like we do isn’t part of their day-to-day lives; or if it was, they’ve stopped thinking about it or feeling that pain. In short, it seems politicians can no longer relate. Not really.

 If you know what I’m talking about, if you know what the pain I’m describing feels like, I hope you aren’t the many who have retired from it all. I hope you still retain some hopefulness about your ability to help change your world for the better.


The gloomy picture I painted above is how I feel on my worst days, not how I feel otherwise. I am in an enviable position of being able to talk about life and politics to a very wide range of people. No matter what side of the fence they’re on, they basically want the same things I do – a safe and welcoming place to live and grow, a place where they can pursue what gives them joy and meaning, and a place where they can provide for their future and the future of their loved ones.


I believe each of us can contribute to this vision, or desire, in small ways and sometimes, in big ways. In our own unique ways, one small step at a time.

Quote of the week

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

  • Anne Frank

How the US is destroying young people’s future


Maryanne Nicholls is a Registered Psychotherapist.  To find out more, gain access to her weekly newsletter, meditations and programmes, sign up at . 


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