For the overachiever and the overworked!
How exhausted are you? I know the feeling!
Does being exhausted serve you? What if I told you that you could have it all without subjecting yourself to hustle culture?
Sounds divine, doesn’t it? Follow along and feel the ease!
- Anger and Depression
- Anxiety Stress & Fear
- Balance
- Burning the candle
- Burnout
- Change
- Emotional awareness
- Empowerment and Living
- Expectation
- Healing
- Hope
- Introversion
- Leadership
- Personal Boundaries
- Resilience
- Self-reliance
- Shame
- Vulnerability
- Worry
- avoiding conflict
- balance
- conflict resolution
- connection
- emotional eating
- empathy
- imposter syndrome
- people pleasing
- perfectionism
- procrastination
- regret
- visibility

From Cluttered to Clear: Creating Room for Life's Surprises
When I sold my house and moved into what many thought of as a spacious apartment, I had to downsize by two thirds. And still, every millimeter of that apartment was stuffed with my belongings.
I used to regularly carry a purse. That purse, no matter how big, was always overfilled. …

A Hundred Things To Do
What is it about the week before going anywhere? All of a sudden, I am run off my feet with a hundred things to do so that by the time the trip begins, I’m in need of rest.
Does that feel familiar in your own life? A friend mentioned that in passing. We chuckled when I said it seems to be a common trait among people who think too much. It may be a go-to for us;

Beyond the Limits: A Personal Odyssey from Overdrive to Balance
I am getting my branding redesigned – very exciting! Packing to go to a weekend workshop tomorrow. Finally cleaning up my storage areas after having moved to my current location 2 and a half years ago. Clearing out my gardens so that I can begin to plant. And, of course, doing the regular daily things that make up my personal and work day.
All wonderful. All exciting. All, to my mind, necessary. I could blame it on an early Spring… and it’s true that we all feel a hopefulness every Spring that gets us going. But that wouldn’t be all, because I habitually juggle many things at once.
I habitually tend to overstuff my days and weeks …

The Healing Pause: Unplugging For Resilience
I spend my days helping others overcome burnout – just want to say that out loud before I relate my recent experience.
I was on a zoom call with a colleague this week. My colleague was obviously depleted and at the same time strung out, reacting to almost everything I said