For the overachiever and the overworked!

How exhausted are you? I know the feeling!

Does being exhausted serve you? What if I told you that you could have it all without subjecting yourself to hustle culture?

Sounds divine, doesn’t it? Follow along and feel the ease!

Empathy and Impact
empathy Maryanne Nicholls empathy Maryanne Nicholls

Empathy and Impact

I wonder if you’ve ever experienced the following: you’re listening to someone you don’t know at all go on at length about something incredibly personal; it begins to grate on you. Or, you’re having coffee with a friend who is going through tough times. After listening attentively for an hour, you begin to wonder when they will finish and find yourself judging your friend.

I’ve experienced both situations.

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Behavioural Ripples: Understanding the Impact of Our Emotions on Others
Empowerment and Living, empathy Maryanne Nicholls Empowerment and Living, empathy Maryanne Nicholls

Behavioural Ripples: Understanding the Impact of Our Emotions on Others

When we feel badly, we behave badly, often without knowing it.

I’m pretty sure all customer service reps understand this: the customer is already feeling badly and the less mature ones frequently try to take it out on the rep.

I was at one time one of those less mature ones, before I understood my impact on others. …

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Unseen Connections: The Role of Feedback in Human Visibility
visibility, empathy, connection Maryanne Nicholls visibility, empathy, connection Maryanne Nicholls

Unseen Connections: The Role of Feedback in Human Visibility

I was moved to write about human visibility today, when I came across a quote from Virginia Woolf from her novel A ROOM OF ONE’S OWN: For there is a spot the size of a shilling at the back of the head which one can never see for oneself.

It was likely because I had only recently said something abruptly to another person without knowing it, until a colleague pointed out the impact it had on her as an observer.

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