For the overachiever and the overworked!

How exhausted are you? I know the feeling!

Does being exhausted serve you? What if I told you that you could have it all without subjecting yourself to hustle culture?

Sounds divine, doesn’t it? Follow along and feel the ease!

Authenticity in Action: Fostering a Culture of Respect and Empowerment

Authenticity in Action: Fostering a Culture of Respect and Empowerment

“I’m a people pleaser.” … “ I’d rather not rock the boat.” … “You’re the boss, not me.” … “I don’t feel safe here and would rather not speak up.” … “Am I going to be ridiculed if I say anything?”

These are things we might say if we either don’t want to get involved, or fear repercussions if we do get involved. We simply want to keep our heads down and get through the day in one piece.

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